Well that takes some of the pressure off!

So I have finally, after 8 months of unemployment stress, landed a new job. It came as a bit of a shock, to be honest, I thought for that particular interview I had completely blown it and kind of wrote it off as a lost opportunity. Apparently, they felt differently. When the HR manager called … Continue reading Well that takes some of the pressure off!

When panic strikes

So yeah, I've been less than a little delinquent with keeping up on my blog. As much as I know that writing is one of the things that can help me cope with my bipolar disorder and get the whirling thoughts out of my brain and dumped somewhere useful, I find it hard to sometimes … Continue reading When panic strikes

Bye-bye February, don’t let the door hit you on the way out

February has been - to put it bluntly - a completely crappy month. Three storms, temperatures running from spring tease to sub-arctic and back again. We haven't seen much in the way of sun either, but that's just the way winter goes. Regardless, I am so beyond ready for spring. I mean, I am a … Continue reading Bye-bye February, don’t let the door hit you on the way out